
Pyinstaller on Windows

Pyinstaller on Windows


Create and activate virtualenv

virtualenv c:\venv\pyapp
cd c:\venv\pyapp\Scripts

From now on, we’ll be working within a virtualenv environment.


If you would like to give PowerShell a try like me. Before activate your virtualenv, you need to change your script execution policy via

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

in a privileged PowerShell terminal.

Install pywin32 and pyinstaller

easy_install http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/Build%20219/pywin32-219.win32-py2.7.exe/download
pip install pyinstaller

The msvcr90.dll Problem

There is a known issue was discussed on StackOverflow. Quick solution is to install the specific Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) which can be downloaded here.

If one test pyinstaller with naive Hello, world program. That issue won’t show up until some binary packages such as _socket or _ssl are used. In my case, it is SimpleHttpServer.

Here is the code I tested with pyinstaller from Python official document.

import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer

PORT = 8000

Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)

print "serving at port", PORT

Archive Python app via pyinstaller

pyinstaller --onefile app.py

Then you can find app.exe on the dist folder.


  1. Install a MSVC redistributable (any version newer than 2008) on the target environment.
  2. Copy your app to the environment.

As mentioned above, my app is suffered from the msvc90r problem (I doubt that a serious app won’t). Hence to execute the app without problem, a MSVC redistributable runtime must be installed on deployed environment as well. Note the redistributable runtime newer than MSVC 90 (VS2008) may work with the app or not. I didn’t test it extensively and you are on your own. Some kudos maintain compatibility matrix over different MSVC redist versions on the Internet. Use the google, luke.

Minify/Optimize with Cython

Per this SO question You may have problem to build Cython extension with the compiler. As mentioned in one answer of the SO question, set two environment variables as following resolve the problem.


  1. I choose 32bit (x86) to have one binary works for both 32bit and 64bit Windows (let’s take ia64 for ignorant). However you may reconsider this if your application need to work closely with Windows system. For example, a 32bit program need to specify special flag to access registry which seen by 64bit program only. In such case, your code can’t be agnostic. ↩︎

  2. The compiler is required by Cython only. You’d definitely wanna try Cython if you care about performance. ↩︎




得利油漆色卡編碼方式 類似 Munsell 色彩系統 ,編碼方式為 HUE LRV/CHROMA 例如 10GY 61/449 ( 色卡 ) 編碼數值 描述 10GY hue ,色輪上從 Y(ellow) 到 G(reen) 區分為 0 ~ 99 ,數值越小越靠近 Y,越大越靠近 G 61 LRV (Light Reflectance Value) 塗料反射光源的比率,數值從 0% ~ 100% ,越高越亮,反之越暗,也可理解為明度 449 chroma 可理解為彩度,數值沒有上限,越高顏色純度 (濃度) 越高 取決於測量儀器,對應至 RGB 並不保證視覺感受相同。 參考資料: 色卡對照網站 e-paint.co.uk Written with StackEdit .

C++17 新功能 try_emplace

C++17 新功能 try_emplace 回顧 emplace 大家的好朋友 Standard Template Library (STL) 容器提供如 push_back , insert 等介面,讓我們塞東西進去; C++11 之後,新增了 emplace 系列的介面,如 std::vector::emplace_back , std::map::emplace 等,差異在於 emplace 是在容器內 in-place 直接建構新元素,而不像 push_back 在傳遞參數前建構,下面用實例來說明: struct Value { // ctor1 Value ( int size ) : array ( new char [ size ] ) , size ( size ) { printf ( "ctor1: %d\n" , size ) ; } // ctor2 Value ( const Value & v ) : array ( new char [ v . size ] ) , size ( v . size ) { printf ( "ctor2: %d\n" , size ) ; memcpy ( array . get ( ) , v . array . get ( ) , size ) ; } private : std :: unique_ptr < char [ ] > array ; int size = 0 ; } ; struct Value 定義了自訂建構子 (ctor1),以指定大小 size 配置陣列,複製建構子 (ctor2) 則會配置與來源相同大小及內容的陣列,為了方便觀察加了一些 printf 。當我們如下使用 std::vector::push_back 時 std :: vector < Value > v ; v . push_back ( Value ( 2048 ) ) ; 首先 Value 會先呼叫 ctor1,傳給 push_ba...

UTF8 與 Unicode 的轉換 (C++)

UTF8 與 Unicode 的轉換 (C++) 先釐清一下這兩者的性質 Unicode: 為世界上所有的文字系統制訂的標準,基本上就是給每個字(letter)一個編號 UTF-8: 為 unicode 的編號制定一個數位編碼方法 UTF-8 是一個長度介於 1~6 byte 的編碼,將 unicode 編號 (code point) 分為六個區間如下表 1 Bits First code point Last code point Bytes Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 7 U+0000 U+007F 1 0xxxxxxx 11 U+0080 U+07FF 2 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 16 U+0800 U+FFFF 3 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 21 U+10000 U+1FFFFF 4 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 26 U+200000 U+3FFFFFF 5 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 31 U+4000000 U+7FFFFFFF 6 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 觀察上面的表應該可以發現 除了 7 bits 的區間外,第一個 byte 開頭連續 1 的個數就是長度,例如 110XXXXX 就是 2 byte 長,而 1110xxxx 就是 3 byte 除了第一個 byte 外,之後的 byte 前兩個 bit 一定是 10 開頭,這樣的好處在於確立了編碼的 self-synchronizeing,意即當編碼為多個 byte 時,任取一個 byte 無法正常解碼。 Note 第一點中的例外 (7 bits) 是為了與 ASCII 的相容性,而第二點會影響到 code point 至 UTF-8 的轉換。 為了與 UTF-16 的相容性,在 R...